RENCI is pleased to announce the third point release of iRODS 4.0+, managed and overseen by the iRODS Consortium.
iRODS 4.0.3 represents a continued polishing of 4.0.0 and provides more flexible installation options (service account name/group), a block storage operation fix, an impostor resource, security fixes, and fixes for memory leaks.
This release consists of 458 commits from 7 contributors and closed 102 issues.
All the code and current working issues are hosted at GitHub:
The release notes include:
Development of this release has focused on the following features and efforts:
- Security fixes
- Bug fixes
- Impostor resource plugin removes need for installation of plugins across entire grid
- Better support for block-storage operations
- More flexible installation options (service account name/group)
Ongoing efforts include:
- Memory leak analysis via valgrind
- Full python-based testing framework
- Certified against full Jargon test suite
- Continuous integration testing via hudson
- Continuous static analysis via cppcheck
- Static analysis via coverity
- Optimized builds with "-O3" and "-Werror"
- Code coverage over 57%
- Topology testing
- Continuously built and tested across 3 major linux distributions
- Packaged for 3 major linux distributions
- Support for package upgrade via package manager
This release includes packages that have been tested on CentOS 5 and 6, SuSE 11 and 12, and Ubuntu 10 and 12.
The MySQL database plugin is not packaged for CentOS 5, as the required regular expression plugin (lib_mysqludf_preg) does not currently build on CentOS 5 (github issue).
The Oracle database plugin is not packaged for SuSE at this time.
iRODS Manual (4.0.3), Aug 2014 (PDF, 539KB)
Please find the latest files available at
At this time, upgrading from either community 3.3.x or E-iRODS 3.0.1 requires a manual set of steps by the grid/system administrator. Please read more in section 7 of the Manual.
Please send feedback to
We'd like to thank our friends at Sanger and SNIC and our community of users for valuable feedback and testing prior to this release.