Today we announce that Brand Fortner, formerly the Executive Director of the iRODS Consortium, is departing RENCI. We wish Brand the very best in his new endeavors.
As of April 1st, 2015, Dan Bedard has been appointed to serve as the Interim Director of the iRODS Consortium. Dan has led the Consortium's sales, marketing, and contract services efforts for the the past 11 months. In this new role, Dan has the full support of RENCI (the organization that administers the Consortium), Chief Technologist Jason Coposky, DICE Director Dr. Reagan Moore, and the Consortium's advisory board.
Since the transition, Dan has been reaching out to Consortium members, clients, and advisors to answer questions and to ask for their feedback and ideas. We also welcome feedback from all members of the iRODS community. Please feel free to contact Dan directly at danb (at) at any time, or use our contact page to connect.
Without question, RENCI remains committed to the success of the iRODS Consortium. We all are eagerly awaiting the release of iRODS 4.1 in a few weeks, and we look forward to talking with you at the User Group Meeting here in Chapel Hill in June.