One of the major features coming in iRODS 4.2 is the pluggable rule engine framework. This enables plugins to be written (in C++) that enable the development of rules in languages other than the native iRODS rule language. The Python rule engine plugin that will ship with iRODS 4.2 is the first example of such a plugin. This blog post walks through the source for the Python rule engine plugin, detailing the functions and behaviors that need to be implemented by any rule engine plugin. This is intended not only to introduce the Python rule engine plugin, but also to guide the development of future rule engine plugins for other languages.
Any rule engine plugin needs to implement the following six functions to comply with the iRODS 4.2 pluggable rule engine framework: start, stop, rule_exists, exec_rule, exec_rule_text, and exec_rule_expression. Each of these functions has a return type of irods::error. (The following code can be copied verbatim into your implementation of a rule engine plugin.)
extern "C"
plugin_factory(const std::string& _inst_name, const std::string& _context) {
irods::pluggable_rule_engine* re = new irods::pluggable_rule_engine( _inst_name , _context);
std::function( start ) );
std::function( stop ) );
std::function( rule_exists ) );
std::function( exec_rule ) );
std::function( exec_rule_text ) );
std::function( exec_rule_expression ) );
return re;
These functions are used as follows:
- Called when the rule engine is initialized. start needs to
handle any setup that is needed to use this rule engine: loading
libraries, initializing interpreters, initializing global variables,
- Called when the rule engine terminates. If any teardown
needs to happen, it should happen within stop.rule_exists
- Called by the dispatcher whenever a rule is called.
This function needs to check if a rule with the given name is
implemented in this particular rule engine, and if so, set its
_return parameter to true.exec_rule
- Called whenever a rule is triggered from within the
rule engine. This is where rules are “normally” executed, that is,
not from irule or delay/remote execution. This function needs to
convert the input parameters (which arrive as a list of boost::anys)
into a format that is usable in the language the rule engine is
written for, execute the rule given those input parameters, and
return output parameters (again as a list of boost::anys).exec_rule_text
- Called when a rule is executed using irule. Needs
to parse the input rule string and turn it into a function that can
be called with the given input and output parameters.exec_rule_expression
- Called when a block of code is run from the
delay or remote execution queues. Likely to be similar to
exec_rule_text, although the input code is formatted differently
and so needs to be handled separately.start
The start function is called when the rule engine is initialized. start needs to handle any setup that is needed to use this rule engine: loading libraries, initializing interpreters, initializing global variables, etc.
start(irods::default_re_ctx&, const std::string&) {
// Load the libpython2.7 shared object
dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); //
// Initialize the Python interpreter
try {
// Adds /etc/irods to the system path
bp::object main_module = bp::import("__main__");
bp::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
bp::exec("import sys\n"
// Defines the variables defined in PYTHON_GLOBALS (a std::map of std::string to
// std::string) in the Python core namespace
bp::object core_module = bp::import("core");
bp::object core_namespace = core_module.attr("__dict__");
for (const auto& it : PYTHON_GLOBALS) {
core_namespace[it.first] = it.second;
} catch (const bp::error_already_set&) {
const std::string formatted_python_exception = extract_python_exception();
LOG("caught python exception\n", formatted_python_exception);
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " Caught Python exception.\n" + formatted_python_exception;
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
return SUCCESS();
In the Python rule engine plugin, it:
The stop function is called when the rule engine terminates. If any teardown needs to happen, it should happen within stop.
stop(irods::default_re_ctx&, const std::string&) {
return SUCCESS();
In the Python rule engine plugin, it:
The rule_exists function is called by the dispatcher whenever a rule is called. This function needs to check if a rule with the given name is implemented in this particular rule engine, and if so, set its _return parameter to true.
rule_exists(irods::default_re_ctx&, std::string rule_name, bool& _return) {
_return = false;
try {
// Import the Python core namespace
bp::object core_module = bp::import("core");
// Call PyObject_HasAttrString to see if there is a function with the name rule_name
// defined in that namespace, and returns true if so, false if not.
_return = PyObject_HasAttrString(core_module.ptr(), rule_name.c_str());
} catch (const bp::error_already_set&) {
const std::string formatted_python_exception = extract_python_exception();
LOG("caught python exception\n", formatted_python_exception);
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " Caught Python exception.\n" + formatted_python_exception;
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
return SUCCESS();
In the Python rule engine plugin, it:
The exec_rule function is called whenever a rule is triggered from within the rule engine. This is where rules are “normally” executed, that is, not from irule or delay/remote execution.
exec_rule(irods::default_re_ctx&, std::string rule_name, std::list& rule_arguments_cpp, irods::callback effect_handler) {
try {
// Import the Python core namespace
bp::object core_module = bp::import("core");
// Import the function rule_name from the Python core namespace as rule_function
bp::object rule_function = core_module.attr(rule_name.c_str());
// Call serialize_parameter_list_of_boost_anys_to_python_list on the input parameters to
// convert them from a C++ list of boost::anys to a Python list
bp::list rule_arguments_python;
rule_arguments_python = serialize_parameter_list_of_boost_anys_to_python_list(rule_arguments_cpp);
// Call the Python function rule_function with 2 parameters: The input parameters as a
// Python list, and the rule engine callback
CallbackWrapper callback_wrapper{effect_handler};
bp::object outVal = rule_function(rule_arguments_python, callback_wrapper);
// Converts the parameter list from a Python list back to a list of boost::anys so they can
// be used as output parameters elsewhere
int i = 0;
for (auto itr = begin(rule_arguments_cpp); itr != end(rule_arguments_cpp); ++itr) {
if (itr->type() == typeid(std::string)) {
boost::any_cast(*itr) = bp::extract(rule_arguments_python[i]);
} else if (itr->type() == typeid(std::string*)) {
*boost::any_cast(*itr) = bp::extract(rule_arguments_python[i]);
} catch (const bp::error_already_set&) {
const std::string formatted_python_exception = extract_python_exception();
LOG("caught python exception\n", formatted_python_exception);
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " Caught Python exception.\n" + formatted_python_exception;
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
} catch (const boost::bad_any_cast& e) {
LOG("bad any cast : ", e.what());
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " bad_any_cast : " + e.what();
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
return SUCCESS();
In the Python rule engine plugin, it:
The exec_rule_text function is called when a rule is executed using irule.
exec_rule_text(irods::default_re_ctx&, std::string rule_text, std::list& rule_arguments_cpp, irods::callback effect_handler) {
try {
// Extract the rule input parameters and output parameter from rule_arguments_cpp
auto itr = begin(rule_arguments_cpp);
++itr; // skip tuple
++itr; // skip callback
msParamArray_t* ms_params = boost::any_cast(*itr);
++itr; // skip msparam
std::string out_desc = *boost::any_cast(*itr);
// Converts the input parameters and output parameter to a Python dict
bp::dict rule_arguments_python;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ms_params->len; i++) {
msParam_t* mp = ms_params->msParam[i];
std::string label(mp->label);
LOG("msParam : ", mp->inOutStruct);
if (mp->type == NULL) {
rule_arguments_python[label] = NULL;
LOG("msParam : ", mp->inOutStruct);
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, DOUBLE_MS_T) == 0) {
double* tmpDouble = (double*) mp->inOutStruct;
LOG("msParam : ", tmpDouble);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpDouble;
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, INT_MS_T) == 0) {
int* tmpInt = (int*) mp->inOutStruct;
LOG("msParam : ", tmpInt);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpInt;
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, STR_MS_T) == 0) {
char* tmpChar = (char*) mp->inOutStruct;
std::string tmpStr(tmpChar);
LOG("msParam : ", tmpStr);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpStr;
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, DATETIME_MS_T) == 0) {
rodsLong_t* tmpRodsLong = (rodsLong_t*) mp->inOutStruct;
LOG("msParam : ", tmpRodsLong);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpRodsLong;
LOG("Passed msParams list");
rule_arguments_python[out_desc] = NULL;
bp::object main_module = bp::import("__main__");
bp::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// Define the variables defined in PYTHON_GLOBALS in the Python core namespace
for (const auto& it : PYTHON_GLOBALS) {
main_namespace[it.first] = it.second;
// Format the rule_text so that it is valid Python code
// Delete first line ("@external")
std::string trimmed_rule = rule_text.substr(rule_text.find_first_of('\n')+1);
LOG("trimmed rule text : ", trimmed_rule);
// Extracts the rule_name from the formatted rule text
// Extract rule name ("def RULE_NAME(parameters):")
std::string rule_name = trimmed_rule.substr(4, trimmed_rule.find_first_of('(')-4);
LOG("rule name : ", rule_name);
bp::exec(trimmed_rule.c_str(), main_namespace, main_namespace);
bp::object rule_function = main_module.attr(rule_name.c_str());
// Calls the Python function rule_function with 2 parameters: The input parameters as a
// Python dict, and the rule engine callback
CallbackWrapper callback_wrapper{effect_handler};
bp::object outVal = rule_function(rule_arguments_python, callback_wrapper);
} catch (const bp::error_already_set&) {
const std::string formatted_python_exception = extract_python_exception();
LOG("caught python exception\n", formatted_python_exception);
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " Caught Python exception.\n" + formatted_python_exception;
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
} catch (const boost::bad_any_cast& e) {
LOG("bad any cast : ", e.what());
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " bad_any_cast : " + e.what();
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
return SUCCESS();
In the Python rule engine plugin, it:
The exec_rule_expression function is called when a block of code is run from the delay or remote execution queues.
exec_rule_expression(irods::default_re_ctx&, std::string rule_text, std::list& rule_arguments_cpp, irods::callback effect_handler) {
try {
// Extract the rule input parameters and output parameter from rule_arguments_cpp
auto itr = begin(rule_arguments_cpp);
++itr; // skip tuple
++itr; // skip callback
msParamArray_t* ms_params = boost::any_cast(*itr);
++itr; // skip msparam
std::string out_desc = *boost::any_cast(*itr);
// Convert the input parameters and output parameter to a Python dict
bp::dict rule_arguments_python;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ms_params->len; i++) {
msParam_t* mp = ms_params->msParam[i];
std::string label(mp->label);
LOG("msParam : ", mp->inOutStruct);
if (mp->type == NULL) {
rule_arguments_python[label] = NULL;
LOG("msParam : ", mp->inOutStruct);
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, DOUBLE_MS_T) == 0) {
double* tmpDouble = (double*) mp->inOutStruct;
LOG("msParam : ", tmpDouble);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpDouble;
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, INT_MS_T) == 0) {
int* tmpInt = (int*) mp->inOutStruct;
LOG("msParam : ", tmpInt);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpInt;
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, STR_MS_T) == 0) {
char* tmpChar = (char*) mp->inOutStruct;
std::string tmpStr(tmpChar);
LOG("msParam : ", tmpStr);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpStr;
} else if (strcmp(mp->type, DATETIME_MS_T) == 0) {
rodsLong_t* tmpRodsLong = (rodsLong_t*) mp->inOutStruct;
LOG("msParam : ", tmpRodsLong);
rule_arguments_python[label] = tmpRodsLong;
LOG("Passed msParams list");
rule_arguments_python[out_desc] = NULL;
bp::object main_module = bp::import("__main__");
bp::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// Define the variables defined in PYTHON_GLOBALS in the Python core namespace
for (const auto& it : PYTHON_GLOBALS) {
main_namespace[it.first] = it.second;
// Formats the rule_text so that it is a valid Python function
// Add def expressionFcn(rule_args, callback):\n to start of rule text
std::string rule_name = "expressionFcn";
std::string fcn_text = "def expressionFcn(rule_args, callback):\n" + rule_text;
// Replace every '\n' with '\n '
boost::replace_all(fcn_text, "\n", "\n ");
bp::exec(fcn_text.c_str(), main_namespace, main_namespace);
bp::object rule_function = main_module.attr(rule_name.c_str());
// Call the Python function rule_function with 2 parameters: The input parameters as a
// Python dict, and the rule engine callback
CallbackWrapper callback_wrapper{effect_handler};
bp::object outVal = rule_function(rule_arguments_python, callback_wrapper);
} catch (const bp::error_already_set&) {
const std::string formatted_python_exception = extract_python_exception();
LOG("caught python exception\n", formatted_python_exception);
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " Caught Python exception.\n" + formatted_python_exception;
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
} catch (const boost::bad_any_cast& e) {
LOG("bad any cast : ", e.what());
std::string err_msg = std::string("irods_rule_engine_plugin_python::") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + " bad_any_cast : " + e.what();
return ERROR(-1, err_msg);
return SUCCESS();
In the Python rule engine plugin, it:
The RuleCallWrapper struct wraps a call to a rule in the Python Rule Engine plugin, and does the heavy lifting in the exec_rule, exec_rule_text, and exec_rule_expression functions.
struct RuleCallWrapper {
RuleCallWrapper(irods::callback& effect_handler, std::string rule_name)
: effect_handler{effect_handler}
, rule_name{rule_name}
irods::callback& effect_handler;
std::string rule_name;
static bp::dict call(const bp::tuple& args, const bp::dict& kwargs) {
RuleCallWrapper& self = bp::extract(args[0]);
auto time = std::time(nullptr);
LOG("rule_name: ", self.rule_name);
// Extract the rule’s parameter list from Python and converts it to a list of std::maps
// using convert_python_iterable_to_list_of_maps(rule_args_python)
bp::tuple rule_args_python = bp::extract(args[bp::slice(1, bp::len(args))]);
std::list< std::map > rule_args_maps = convert_python_iterable_to_list_of_maps(rule_args_python);
std::list rule_args_cpp;
std::stringstream log_msg;
log_msg << "REAL INPUT [";
for (auto& itr : rule_args_maps) {
log_msg << itr[STRING_VALUE_KEY] << ", ";
} else {
log_msg << itr[ELEMENT_TYPE] << "{";
for (std::map::iterator mapItr = itr.begin(); mapItr != itr.end(); ++mapItr) {
log_msg << mapItr->first << " : " << mapItr->second << ", ";
log_msg << "}, ";
// “Deserialize” input data types into iRODS msParam types - This code does this
// for genQueryInp and genQueryOut. Here, a Python dictionary is parsed to fill
// objects of genQueryInp and genQueryOut types.
msParam_t* tmpMsParam = (msParam_t*) malloc(sizeof(*tmpMsParam));
memset(tmpMsParam, 0, sizeof(*tmpMsParam));
// TODO Refactor into irods_re_deserialization?
try {
genQueryInp_t* genQueryInp = (genQueryInp_t*) malloc(sizeof(genQueryInp_t));
memset(genQueryInp, 0, sizeof(genQueryInp_t));
std::map selectInpMap;
std::map sqlCondInpMap;
std::map condInputMap;
for (std::map::iterator map_itr = itr.begin(); map_itr != itr.end(); ++map_itr) {
if (map_itr->first == "maxRows")
genQueryInp->maxRows = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first == "continueInx")
genQueryInp->continueInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first == "rowOffset")
genQueryInp->rowOffset = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first == "options")
genQueryInp->options = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first.substr(0,7) == "select_") {
int selectInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->first.substr(7, map_itr->first.size()));
int selectVal = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
selectInpMap[selectInx] = selectVal;
} else if (map_itr->first.substr(0,6) == "where_") {
int sqlCondInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->first.substr(6, map_itr->first.size()));
sqlCondInpMap[sqlCondInx] = map_itr->second;
} else if (map_itr->first == "ELEMENT_TYPE") {
} else {
// Any other key came from the condInput keyValPair
condInputMap[map_itr->first] = map_itr->second;
for (auto& tmp : selectInpMap) {
addInxIval(&genQueryInp->selectInp, tmp.first, tmp.second);
for (auto& tmp: sqlCondInpMap) {
addInxVal(&genQueryInp->sqlCondInp, tmp.first, tmp.second.c_str());
for (auto& tmp: condInputMap) {
addKeyVal(&genQueryInp->condInput, tmp.first.c_str(), tmp.second.c_str());
fillMsParam(tmpMsParam, NULL, GenQueryInp_MS_T, genQueryInp, NULL);
} catch (std::exception&) {
std::string error_msg = "Bad any cast";
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, error_msg.c_str());
try {
genQueryOut_t* genQueryOut = (genQueryOut_t*) malloc(sizeof(genQueryOut_t));
memset(genQueryOut, 0, sizeof(genQueryOut_t));
std::map attriInxMap;
std::map lenMap;
std::map valueMap;
for (std::mapgt;::iterator map_itr = itr.begin(); map_itr != itr.end(); ++map_itr) {
std::string firstVal = map_itr->first;
std::string secondVal = map_itr->second;
if (map_itr->first == "rowCnt")
genQueryOut->rowCnt = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first == "attriCnt")
genQueryOut->attriCnt = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first == "continueInx")
genQueryOut->continueInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first == "totalRowCount")
genQueryOut->totalRowCount = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
else if (map_itr->first.substr(0,9) == "attriInx_") {
int colInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->first.substr(9, map_itr->first.size()));
int attriInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
attriInxMap[colInx] = attriInx;
} else if (map_itr->first.substr(0,4) == "len_") {
int colInx = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->first.substr(4, map_itr->first.size()));
int len = boost::lexical_cast(map_itr->second);
lenMap[colInx] = len;
} else if (map_itr->first.substr(0,6) == "value_") {
std::string attribute_row = map_itr->first.substr(6, map_itr->first.size());
valueMap[attribute_row] = map_itr->second;
} else
for (int i = 0; i < genQueryOut->attriCnt; ++i) {
genQueryOut->sqlResult[i].attriInx = attriInxMap[i];
genQueryOut->sqlResult[i].len = lenMap[i];
int len = lenMap[i];
genQueryOut->sqlResult[i].value = (char *) malloc(genQueryOut->rowCnt * len);
for (auto& tmp: valueMap) {
std::vector tokens;
boost::split(tokens, tmp.first, boost::is_any_of("_"));
int colInx = boost::lexical_cast(tokens[1]);
if (colInx == i) {
int rowInx = boost::lexical_cast(tokens[0]);
char *valuePtr = genQueryOut->sqlResult[i].value + rowInx * len;
snprintf(valuePtr, len, "%s", tmp.second.c_str());
fillMsParam(tmpMsParam, NULL, GenQueryOut_MS_T, genQueryOut, NULL);
} catch (std::exception&) {
std::string error_msg = "Bad any cast";
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, error_msg.c_str());
LOG(log_msg.str(), "]");
// Call the effect_handler with the rule_name and the deserialized input parameters,
// returning an irods::error object
irods::error retVal = self.effect_handler(self.rule_name, irods::unpack(rule_args_cpp));
// Check the returned irods::error object to see if an exception needs to be thrown
if (!retVal.ok()) {
if ((retVal.code() != CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND) && (retVal.code() != CAT_SUCCESS_BUT_WITH_NO_INFO)) {
std::string returnString = IRODS_ERROR_PREFIX + boost::lexical_cast(retVal.code()) + "] " + retVal.result().c_str();
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, returnString.c_str());
log_msg.str(std::string{}); log_msg.clear();
log_msg << "output [";
bp::dict ret;
// Populates the returned object with the irods::error code, the irods::error status,
// and the serialized parameter values
ret["PYTHON_RE_RET_CODE")] = retVal.code();
ret["PYTHON_RE_RET_STATUS")] = retVal.status();
bp::list retList;
std::list rule_returns_cpp;
for (auto&& itr : rule_args_cpp) {
if ((itr.type() == typeid(std::string)) || (itr.type() == typeid(std::string*))) {
} else if (itr.type() == typeid(msParam_t*)) {
// convert to subtype
msParam_t* tmpMsParam = boost::any_cast(itr);
char* realType = tmpMsParam->type;
if (strcmp(realType, RodsObjStat_MS_T) == 0) {
rodsObjStat_t* tmpRodsObj = (rodsObjStat_t*) tmpMsParam->inOutStruct;
} else if (strcmp(realType, INT_MS_T) == 0) {
int* tmpInt = (int*) tmpMsParam->inOutStruct;
} else if (strcmp(realType, DOUBLE_MS_T) == 0) {
double* tmpDouble = (double*) tmpMsParam->inOutStruct;
} else if (strcmp(realType, GenQueryInp_MS_T) == 0) {
genQueryInp_t* tmpGenQueryInp = (genQueryInp_t*) tmpMsParam->inOutStruct;
} else if (strcmp(realType, GenQueryOut_MS_T) == 0) {
genQueryOut_t* tmpGenQueryOut = (genQueryOut_t*) tmpMsParam->inOutStruct;
} // TODO Need else if for each supported msParam type
else {
std::string error_msg = "Unsupported msParam type :";
error_msg += realType;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, error_msg.c_str());
} else {
std::string error_msg = "Unsupported return type :";
error_msg += itr.type().name();
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, error_msg.c_str());
retList = serialize_parameter_list_of_boost_anys_to_python_list(rule_returns_cpp);
ret["PYTHON_RE_RET_OUTPUT")] = retList;
// Return this object to Python
return ret;