This post will present one way to monitor iRODS with Nagios.
We will start with a Nagios service which will monitor the status of iRODS resource servers and if a resource server is non-responsive, mark all the iRODS resources on that server down. Finally we will create a Nagios service to monitor the percentage of a resource's capacity being used and generate Nagios warning and critical statuses for resources that have exceeded certain thresholds.
As a demonstration, we will set up an iRODS grid with one iCAT enabled server (catalog producer) and two iRODS resource servers (catalog consumers). Each server will host exactly one resource.
After setting up the servers, make sure each server can access the others by fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Install iRODS on each server. In this demonstration we installed iRODS 4.2 (preview).
We will use the default resources created on and
The instructions that follow are based on Ubuntu (14). Minor changes would be needed if installed on another Linux distribution.
We have created a simple application which will ping the iRODS services on each server. This application performs an rcConnect() to an iRODS server given the IP or hostname and port.
To build the iping binary we need to first build the iRODS externals as described in Building iRODS Externals.
After the externals are built, we need to clone the iRODS contrib package from GitHub, build and then install the iping package.
Perform the following steps on
export PATH=/opt/irods-externals/cmake3.5.2-0/bin:$PATH
cd ~
git clone
mkdir ipingbuild
cd ipingbuild
cmake ~/contrib/iping
make package
sudo dpkg -i irods-iping_4.2.0~trusty_amd64.deb
Now let's test the iping command:
$ iping -h
OK : connection to iRODS server successful
$ iping -h
OK : connection to iRODS server successful
$ echo $?
As another test, bring down one of the resource servers by either shutting down the machine or stopping the iRODS service (or possibly specifying a port other than the default of 1247).
$ iping -h -p 1247
ERROR: _rcConnect: connectToRhost error, server on is probably down status = -305111 USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR, Connection refused
$ echo $?
The iping command will return a return code of 2 on failure. This will be used by Nagios to determine success (0) or failure (2).
For simplicity, we will install Nagios on the iCAT server since we already have the iping command installed there.
sudo apt install nagios3 nagios-nrpe-plugin
Go to the local Nagios web tool to make sure everything is up. This would be http://localhost/nagios3/ if running from a browser on the iCAT server. Use "nagiosadmin" and the password you specified during Nagios installation.
We need to create a directory for iRODS configuration and update the nagios.cfg to look for configuration files in this new directory.
mkdir -p /etc/nagios3/irods
echo "cfg_dir=/etc/nagios3/irods" >> /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
Now create /etc/nagios3/irods/irods.cfg
which will be a configuration
file for the iping service. Put the following contents in this file:
define host {
name irods-server-template
use generic-host
check_interval 1
register 0
define host {
use irods-server-template
host_name Resource1
alias Resource1Resource
define host {
use irods-server-template
host_name Resource2
alias Resource2Resource
define hostgroup{
hostgroup_name irods-resource-servers
alias iRODS Servers
members Resource1,Resource2
define command{
command_name iping-irods-server
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$
define command {
command_name update-irods-resource-state
define service {
use generic-service
hostgroups irods-resource-servers
service_description IPING
check_command iping-irods-server!1247
check_interval 1
event_handler update-irods-resource-state
We have created a template called irods-server-template for our iRODS servers. Nagios allows configurations to be inherited from other configurations. Our servers will inherit from this template. This template itself inherits from the generic-host template. Nagios identifies this as a template by the "register 0" parameter. The key configuration in this template is the check_interval which is set to one (1) minute.
We have defined two hosts which are derived from the irods-server-template. The address parameter is set to the hostname for a resource server.
The hostgroup is simply a grouping of hosts. In our case we have a single hostgroup for the two resource servers.
Next we defined two commands:
The last configuration item is the service definition itself.
The service runs the iping-irods-server command with \$ARG1\$ of 1247 for the iRODS port (see "!1247" in the configuration). A failure is indicated by a return code of 2. On a change in state, the event_handler is executed. In this case it executes the command update-irods-resource-state which executes the `` script. This script will update the resource state in the iRODS catalog to either "up" or "down". Finally, this service runs against all hosts that are defined in the irods-servers hostgroup.
Now we will create a bash script that is a wrapper around iping. This
script will be placed in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
export HOME=/var/lib/nagios
/usr/bin/iping "$@" 2>&1 || return=$?
if [ $return -gt 3 ]; then
exit 2
exit $return
Make sure that this script can be executed.
chmod +x /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
When the iping service notices a resource state has changed, it will
update the resource's status in the iRODS database. Create the following
script in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
export HOME=/var/lib/nagios
echo "$@" >> $LOGFILE
RESOURCES=$(iquest "%s" "select RESC_NAME where RESC_LOC = '$HOST'")
case "$SERVICE_STATE" in
iadmin modresc $RESOURCE status up
iadmin modresc $RESOURCE status down
exit 0
Restart Nagios
sudo service nagios3 restart
Now bring down a resource server. Wait for approximately a minute and check the resource status.
$ iadmin lr Resource1Resource | grep resc_status
resc_status: down
Bring up the resource server. Wait another minute and check the resource status.
$ iadmin lr Resource1Resource | grep resc_status
resc_status: up
Now we will create a resource hierarchy with the two resources as children of a replication resource. When a resource is unavailable and a resource is marked down the replica will serve up the appropriate file as necessary.
Let's create the resource hierarchy:
$ iadmin mkresc RootResource replication
Creating resource:
Name: "RootResource"
Type: "replication"
Host: ""
Path: ""
Context: ""
$ iadmin addchildtoresc RootResource Resource1Resource
$ iadmin addchildtoresc RootResource Resource2Resource
$ ilsresc
├── Resource1Resource
└── Resource2Resource
With both resources up let's put a file into iRODS.
$ echo test > test.txt
$ iput -R RootResource test.txt
$ ils -l test.txt
rods 0 RootResource;Resource1Resource 5 2016-09-09.10:24 & test.txt
rods 1 RootResource;Resource2Resource 5 2016-09-09.10:24 & test.txt
Bring Resource1Resource down and quickly try to get test.txt. Since Resource1Resource is the lowest replica number, iRODS will attempt to read test.txt from this resource. If Resource1Resource is still marked as up this will fail.
$ iget test.txt -
ERROR: getUtil: get error for - status = -305111 USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR, Connection refused
Now let's wait a minute or so and try to get test.txt one more time. By this time Resource1Resource will have been marked as down and the system will retrieve the file from Resource2Resource as we would prefer.
$ iget test.txt -
As another example of using Nagios to monitor resources, we will create a Nagios plugin to monitor the resource use (bytes) so that we can get a warning or error when the resource nears the max_bytes.
The first step is to add a max_bytes setting to our resources' context string. Just for demonstration purposes we will set the max_bytes to 500 bytes.
iadmin modresc context Resource1Resource "max_bytes=500"
iadmin modresc context Resource2Resource "max_bytes=500"
We will not enforce this max_bytes setting in our example as we are concerned with the monitoring aspects. Refer to the information in Composable Resources for information on how to get started with enforcing the max_bytes setting.
Next we need to update our configuration to create a service to monitor
the bytes. Update /etc/nagios3/irods/irods.cfg
and append the
following to the bottom of this file:
define command {
command_name check-resource-use
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ $HOSTALIAS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$
define service {
use generic-service
hostgroups irods-resource-servers
service_description check-resource-use
check_command check-resource-use!90.0!95.0
check_interval 1
We have added a new command called check-resource-use. This command will
execute the
script (not yet defined) and send
the host alias as the first argument. We have already set the host alias
to the resource name for the resource on that host. The next two
arguments are warning and critical thresholds as percentages of the
max_bytes setting.
We then defined a service that will execute this command. The service runs against all servers in the irods-resource-server group, executes the check-resource-use command. We have hardcoded the warning level to 90.0% and critical level to 95.0%
In this example we have a single resource for each server. If you had multiple resources you could create a separate host for each resource with an alias that matches the resource name, create a hostgroup for all of the resources, and add this new hostgroup to the check-resource-use service.
We have set the check_interval to 1 (minute) for the check-resource-use service. In a real world scenario it may be more appropriate to do this once an hour (60) or maybe even once a day (1440).
Now we just need to create the
script. This
script is provided below.
export HOME=/var/lib/nagios
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
echo "Use: "
if ! [[ $warning_level =~ ^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then
echo "Warning level provided is not a valid number."
if ! [[ $critical_level =~ ^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then
echo "Critical level provided is not a valid number."
context=$(iquest "%s" "select RESC_CONTEXT where RESC_NAME = '$1'")
for i in $(echo $context | tr ";" "\n"); do
[[ $i =~ "max_bytes=" ]] && max_bytes=$(echo $i | cut -b11-)
used=$(iquest "%s" "select sum(DATA_SIZE) where RESC_NAME = '$1'")
if [ -z $used ]; then
if [[ $max_bytes -gt 0 && $used -gt 0 ]]; then
percent_used=$(echo "scale=2; ($used / $max_bytes) * 100.0" | bc)
if [ $(echo "$percent_used > $critical_level" | bc -l) -eq "1" ]; then
echo "CRITICAL - Resource use is above critical level. byte_used=$used; max_bytes=$max_bytes; critical_threshold=${critical_level}%"
if [ $(echo "$percent_used > $warning_level" | bc -l) -eq "1" ]; then
echo "WARNING - Resource usage is above warning level. byte_used=$used; max_bytes=$max_bytes; warning_threshold=${warning_level}%"
echo "OK - Resource use is below warning and critical levels. bytes_used=$used; max_bytes=$max_bytes"
exit $STATE_OK
Restart Nagios so that it can read the new configuration.
sudo service nagios3 restart
Refresh the Nagios monitoring tool services page. You should now see check-resource-use services for both Resource1 and Resource2. If your resources are empty the status should be green (OK).
Now play around with adding files to the resources so that your use is between the warning and critical levels and then above the critical level. Nagios will update the service status appropriately.
As one final example we will monitor the connection count on all iRODS servers.
We will be using the irods-grid command to get the connection count.
Before this command can be executed, we need to add a few lines into the
nagios's irods_environment.json
. Update
and add the following lines.
Adjust the values for these to match what you have in your server
"irods_server_control_plane_encryption_algorithm": "AES-256-CBC",
"irods_server_control_plane_encryption_num_hash_rounds": 16,
"irods_server_control_plane_key": "12345678901234567890123456789012",
"irods_server_control_plane_port": 1248
Next we need to update our configuration to add a host for the ICAT
server, a hostgroup for the ICAT and two resource servers, a command to
execute and a service to execute this command. Update
and append the following to the bottom of
this file:
define host {
use irods-server-template
host_name ICAT
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name irods-servers
alias iRODS Servers
members ICAT,Resource1,Resource2
define command {
command_name check-active-connections
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ $HOSTADDRESS$
define service {
use generic-service
hostgroups irods-servers
service_description check active connections
check_command check-active-connections
check_interval 1
We now need to create the
script. Create
with the following
contents and make this file executable.
export HOME=/var/lib/nagios
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Use: "
agent_count=$(irods-grid --all status | jq ' .hosts[] | .hostname + " " + "\(.agents[].agent_pid)"' | grep $host_name | wc -l)
echo "OK - open connections = $agent_count"
This script takes the hostname as the first argument and performs an irods-grid status command. We use jq to parse the JSON output and write a single line of output for each server/pid combination. Then we get the number of connections for this host by searching for only lines that contain this hostname and counting the number of lines returned.
Note: If you don't have jq, you can download it on Ubuntu with "sudo apt-get install jq".
Since the output is just informational, we will always return 0 (OK) as long as the call was formatted correctly.
Restart Nagios and try it out. Refresh the Nagios monitoring tool services page. By default all three servers should have a count of 1. Try running multiple iRODS commands in parallel (possibly large puts that take a long time) and wait for an update. As long as the processes are still running when the check is performed you should have a count greater than 1.
The final version of all of the files can be accessed here: