News / 03 February 2017

Setting Up iRODS 4.2 with GridFTP using B2STAGE-GridFTP

This is an update to our original GridFTP blog post from 2015.

This post expands on the original blog post with information on:

  • Compiling the B2STAGE-GridFTP plugin with iRODS 4.2.
  • Steps to install on CentOS 6 distributions as well Ubuntu distributions.
  • Using a more realistic model with separate server and client certificates.
  • Starting the GridFTP server as a service.
  • Using tools provided by Globus to create certificates.

We will set up an iRODS implemention using the B2STAGE-GridFTP data storage interface (DSI). This blog entry explains the steps used to set up and test this implementation. This was set up using the instructions at with slight modifications for iRODS 4.2.


Set up two virtual machines (either CentOS 6 or Ubuntu) on an internal network. For reference this will be:


Make sure each of these servers can resolve the fully qualified domain name of the other.

Install iRODS 4.2 and development package on This includes the following packages:

  • irods-server
  • irods-database-plugin-postgres
  • irods-dev
  • irods-runtime

Follow the instructions at to add the iRODS repository to your package manager. Installation instructions can be found at

For 4.2, the iRODS external packages need to be installed. These provide a consistent build environment (cmake, clang, etc.) to build the GridFTP plugin.


sudo apt-get install 'irods-externals*'


sudo yum install 'irods-externals*'

As an iRODS admin user create the user 'user1' in iRODS.

iadmin mkuser user1 rodsuser

Installation and Configuration of the Server

The following instructions should all be performed on

Installing Packages

Run the following commands on to install the packages that we will be using:


sudo apt-get install -y globus-gridftp-server-progs globus-simple-ca globus-gass-copy-progs
sudo apt-get install -y libglobus-common-dev libglobus-gridftp-server-dev libglobus-gridmap-callout-error-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install -y git
sudo apt-get install -y g++
sudo apt-get install -y dpkg-dev
sudo apt-get install -y cdbs
sudo apt-get install -y globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs
sudo apt-get install -y globus-proxy-utils


sudo yum install -y globus-gridftp-server-progs globus-simple-ca globus-gass-copy-progs
sudo yum install -y globus-common-devel globus-gridftp-server-devel globus-gridmap-callout-error-devel
sudo yum install -y libcurl-devel
sudo yum install -y git
sudo yum install -y g++
sudo yum install -y globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs
sudo yum install -y globus-proxy-utils

Building and Configuring the iRODS GridFTP Data Storage Interface (DSI)

First we need to clone the B2STAGE-GridFTP repository.

cd ~
#git clone
git clone

Create an /iRODS_DSI folder that will hold the output files of the build (shared object, configuration files, etc.)

sudo mkdir /iRODS_DSI
sudo chmod 777 /iRODS_DSI

Set some environment variables that are used by the build process and the PATH so that the correct version of cmake will be found.

export PATH=/opt/irods-externals/cmake3.5.2-0/bin:$PATH
export GLOBUS_LOCATION="/usr"
export IRODS_PATH="/usr"
export IRODS_EXTERNALS_PATH=/opt/irods-externals

In Ubuntu you may need to set up C_INCLUDE_PATH so that the globus_config.h header can be found.

export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/globus

If you are building for iRODS 4.2, set the IRODS_42_COMPAT environment variable to true.

export IRODS_42_COMPAT=true

Now build and install the iRODS DSI:

cmake .
make install

Installing a Certificate Authority

Install a certificate authority using grid-ca-create. We will also read the hexidecimal ID from the certificate that is created. This will be used later.

cd ~
sudo grid-ca-create -noint
HEX_ID=$(ls /etc/grid-security/certificates/*.0 | cut -d/ -f5 | cut -d. -f1)

Create a package for the certificate authority so that it can be easily installed on the client.


sudo grid-ca-package -d -ca ${HEX_ID}


sudo grid-ca-package -r -ca ${HEX_ID}

Creating and Signing the User and Server Certificates

Now that we have a certificate authority, create a user key and certificate signing request (userkey.pem and usercert_request.pem) and place these in ~/.globus.

grid-cert-request -ca ${HEX_ID} -nopw -cn -dir ~/.globus -prefix user -commonname user1

Sign the certificate with grid-ca-sign. If you use the default configuration when creating the certificate authority the password to sign the certificate will be 'globus'.

sudo grid-ca-sign -in ~/.globus/usercert_request.pem -out ~/.globus/usercert.pem

Create a server key and certificate signing request and place them in /etc/grid-security.

sudo grid-cert-request -ca ${HEX_ID} -nopw -cn -dir /etc/grid-security -prefix host

Sign the server certificate.

sudo grid-ca-sign -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert_request.pem -out /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem

Update Configuration Files

Create a grid-mapfile that matches the subject in the certificate to an iRODS user name. Place this grid-mapfile in both /etc/grid-security and ~/.gridmap

subject=`openssl x509 -noout -in ~/.globus/usercert.pem -subject | cut -d= -f2- | sed -e 's| *\(.*\)|\1|g'`
echo "\"$subject\" user1" | sudo tee -a /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
cp /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile ~/.gridmap

Update /etc/gridftp.conf so that it contains the following lines:

$irodsConnectAsAdmin "rods"
load_dsi_module iRODS
auth_level 4
port 2811

There are a couple of environment variables that will need to be set in the GridFTP service startup script.

  • HOME - set to the home of the root user which is running the startup script. This is required so that the iRODS environment (~root/.irods/irods_environment.json) for the root user can be found.
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH - so that the DSI libraries we built above can be found at runtime

Edit /etc/init.d/globus-gridftp-server and add the following lines right after the first line - "#!/bin/bash".

export HOME=/root

If you are running this on iRODS 4.1, you will also need to preload the GridFTP server library alongside the DSI library. In this case add the following line right after the two lines added above.


export LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"


export LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib64/"

Connect root to iRODS

Login as the root user and add the following to /root/.irods/irods_environment.json

    "irods_host": "localhost",
    "irods_zone_name": "tempZone",
    "irods_port": 1247,
    "irods_user_name": "rods",
    "irods_default_resource": "demoResc"

Run 'iinit' and enter the password for the rods user. This will allow the GridFTP DSI plugin to access iRODS using an administrative account.

Note: If you run iinit without first creating the irods_environment.json file, iRODS will not ask you for the default resource and this variable will not be set. This will cause unexpected failures. If this is done, edit irods_environment.json and add in the irods_default_resource.

Restart the GridFTP Server and Test

We can now test our setup with a connection from a local client (on

First, restart the GridFTP server.

sudo service globus-gridftp-server restart

Logout of the root user if you have not already done so. Make sure you are the user that has the certificates and key stored in ~/.globus and the mapfile in .gridmap.

Create a random file and test copying this file into iRODS and getting it out of iRODS.

# create a 1 MB test file
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file.dat bs=1000 count=1000

# put the file into irods
globus-url-copy file.dat gsi

# get the file from irods
globus-url-copy gsi file2.dat

# diff the files - these should be the same
diff file.dat file2.dat

Installation and Configuration of the Client

We have tested this using a client that is located on the server. Now we will set up a client that is on

The following steps should all be run on

Install Packages

Run the following commands on to install the packages that we will be using.


sudo apt-get install -y globus-simple-ca
sudo apt-get install -y globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs
sudo apt-get install -y globus-proxy-utils
sudo apt-get install -y globus-gass-copy-progs


sudo yum install -y globus-simple-ca
sudo yum install -y globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs
sudo yum install -y globus-proxy-utils
sudo yum install -y globus-gass-copy-progs

Install the Certificate Authority Certificates

The client needs to know to trust the certificate authority that was created on the server. Get the globus-simple-ca-*.rpm file from and install this package.


sudo dpkg -i globus-simple-ca-*.deb


sudo rpm -i globus-simple-ca-*.rpm

Get the Client Certificate

Copy the usercert.pem and userkey.pem from the server and place these in ~/.globus.

mkdir ~/.globus
cd ~/.globus

Test the Transfer From Client to Server

Create a random file and test copying this file into iRODS and getting it out of iRODS.

# create a 1 MB test file
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file.dat bs=1000 count=1000

# put the file into irods
globus-url-copy file.dat gsi

# get the file from irods
globus-url-copy gsi file2.dat

# diff the files - these should be the same
diff file.dat file2.dat

Justin James