A release! We did it, and nearly a year in the making. 4.1.11 is out and many small bugfixes are included. Please upgrade if you are on the 4.1.x series.
We are working hard on our demos and talks for SC17 in a couple weeks. RSVP for our SC17 iRODS Workshop today!
The work on a CockroachDB database plugin is moving along nicely. It now builds, installs, and passes nearly the entire iRODS test suite. Once that is complete, we will begin learning some best practices to leverage a truly distributed global namespace.
Preparing 4.1.11 release
Preparing 4.2.2 release
All but done - out within a day or so.
Preparing 4.3.0 development kickoff
By the end of the year, we hope to select a logging library and begin work on the design of an integrated irodsMonitor process to sit alongside the main irodsServer process.
Active Development Work
Python iRODS Client (PRC)
Python Ingest Tool
Landing Zone Package
Tiered Storage Demo/Package
CockroachDB Database Plugin
Ceph RADOS Resource Plugin
Multipart DataObjects, v5 API
Ongoing Development Work
QueryArrow Database Plugin
Nestle R Client Library
Lustre Integration
Swagger REST API
Upcoming Releases