This month went by more quickly than most. We're finding the last 10% of bugs in a few different projects and of course, it takes another 50% of the time.
NFSRODS has been stood up by a couple additional community members. The permissions model works and is understandable and we're more confident now that v0.9.0 will be very similar to v1.0.0. Some early performance testing shows solid throughput and encouraging compliance with a variety of workloads and file access patterns. POSIX still holding firm after over 30 years.
The first release of the iRODS S3 Resource Plugin to include Cacheless and Detached modes was released in early September. This allows connecting to S3-based storage without the overhead of compound and cache resources to handle the differences in POSIX and object-based protocols. The S3 plugin can now handle that translation directly and removes the need for an iRODS administrator to manage a cache that could fill up pretty quickly.
Our partners at Australia's Agriculture Victoria have been working to get their Smart Farm initiative to include iRODS - you can read more about how they are planning to more deeply incorporate image capture, visualization, and provenance in Drones, Smart Farms, and iRODS.
We are continuing our heads-down work on Metadata Templates, Dockerized CI, and Intermediate Replicas. A few community discussion topics have deepened this month and are showing some promise towards consensus - Quotas, Storage Decommissioning, and Parallel Filesystem Integration. Join the conversation if these are relevant to your interests.
New Development Work
Active Development Work
Python iRODS Client (PRC)
Cacheless and Detached S3
iRODS Capability - Automated Ingest
Parallel Transfer Engine
Parallel Filesystem Integration
Indexing Capability
Publishing Capability
Cloud Browser
Continuous Integration (CI)
Background Items