iRODS User Group Meeting 2014

Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Harvard, University
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
June 18 - June 19, 2014

More than 70 participants from 6 different countries attended.

Reagan Moore & Arcot Rajasekar (DICE) presenting
Wayne Schroeder & Mike Wan (DICE) with a plaque
to commemorate years of service.


Updates on 3.3.1 (security options) [slides]
Wayne Schroeder, DICE

iRODS 4.0 and Beyond [slides]
Jason Coposky, RENCI

iRODS 4.0 - Build and Test [slides]
Terrell Russell, RENCI

REST, iDROP Web [slides]
Mike Conway, DICE

Workflows [slides]
Arcot Rajasekar, DICE

iRODS Rule Language [slides]
Hao Xu, DICE

iRODS Consortium [slides]
Brand Fortner, RENCI

Dataverse with Data Tags: Sharing Data You Can't Share [slides]
Mercè Crosas & Michael Bar-Sinai, IQSS, Harvard

iRODS DataVerse Integration [slides]
Jonathan Crabtree, UNC Chapel Hill

NASA Use Case [slides]
Glenn Tamkin, NASA

NOAA/NCDC Use Case [slides]
Alan Hall, NOAA/NCDC

DDN Use Case [slides]
David Martin, DDN

Development of the iRODS-RADOS resource plugin [slides]
Matthias Grawinkel, Universität Mainz

UNC CH Research Results - Policies within iRODS data grids [slides]
Jewel Ward, UNC Chapel Hill

Developing iRODS-based Archival Technologies [slides]
Paul Watry & John Harrison, University of Liverpool and John Burns, AAS

Use Case, French National Digital Library [slides]
Thomas Ledoux, French National Digital Library

Data Intensive processing with iRODS and the middleware CiGri for the Whisper project [slides] [paper]
Xavier Briand, ISTerre, & Bruno Bzeznik, Université Joseph Fourier

iRODS at CC-IN2P3: managing petabytes of data [slides]
Jean-Yves Nief, CC-IN2P3

A National Data Management System based on iRODS in the French National Grid Initiative [slides]
Catherine Biscarat, CNRS

myiRODS [slides]
Michael Wan,

Research Data Management using iRODS in the EUDAT Infrastructure [slides]
Johannes Reetz, RZG/MPS

Tutorials: Clients & Rules [slides]
Mike Conway & Hao Xu, DICE